

Sutures and ligatures were used by the Egyptians and Syrians as early as 2,000 BCE.


In simple terms, a suture is a type of thread used by surgeons to stitch tissues together. It can be used for bringing together tissues in case of an injury or incisions made during a surgical procedure. It can also be used for tying blood vessels. Several types of materials are used for suturing subcutaneous tissues, fascia, or deep structures.


The composition, thickness, or texture of sutures might vary. The suture material is chosen on the basis of the location and nature of the wound. In case of deep structures, the deep sutures below the surface allow the wound to heal faster, preventing the scar from becoming wider.The sutures on the surface close the edges on the epidermis, speeding up healing to provide a good cosmetic outcome. It is extremely important to use the right type of suture material, as that could impact the healing process. The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) recommends that suture boxes must provide complete information about the type and size of the suture materials, along with the type of needles to be used.


Characteristics and Uses of Sutures



  • 非致敏(Non-allergenic)
  • 足够的抗张强度(Tensile strength)
  • 易于操控
  • 打结牢固,为组织边缘提供足够的支撑,直至完全愈合
  • 不易藏匿细菌或病原微生物
  • 不会对组织造成伤害


Natural and Synthetic Sutures


Some of the materials are natural, while others are synthetic. Natural sutures are derived from naturally-occurring substances. The examples of natural sutures include:


➠ Silk 蚕丝

➠ Plain/Chromic catgut 普通和铬制肠线(从健康的羊或牛的小肠提取的结缔组织或提纯的胶原蛋白)

Plain and chromic/coated catgut sutures get absorbed due to the process of proteolytic enzymatic degradation. Since these sutures are made from multiple fibers, they remain extremely strong in the first few days of healing. Thereafter, they lose their strength rapidly, within a couple of weeks. These can be used for muscle injuries, as muscles usually heal faster and they need strong sutures in the initial healing period. The popularity of catgut has waned with the advent of stronger, synthetic sutures and the likelihood of uneven absorption in case of manufacturing defects.

普通和铬制肠线在体内经过蛋白酶的降解可以被吸收。因为这些缝线由多股纤维构成,在伤口愈合的最初几天非常坚固。然而在接下来的数周时间里,它们的强度会迅速下降。肠线可以用于缝合肌肉,因为肌肉愈合速度很快,但在愈合初期需要强度很高的缝线。随着强度更高的合成缝线(Synthetic suture)的出现,以及由于不良生产工艺可能导致肠线吸收不均,肠线的使用率在逐渐下降。

Synthetic sutures are made from polymers such as polyamide, polyolefins, polyesters, and absorbable polymers that are derived from polyglycolic acid. Synthetic absorbable sutures are broken down non-enzymatically by hydrolysis, wherein water enters the filaments and breaks down the polymer chain. Due to this, these are not associated with intense inflammatory reaction that occurs in case of catgut. The synthetic absorbable suture material tend to cause milder tissue reaction than plain/chromic gut. The examples of synthetic suture materials include:

合成缝线由各种聚合物制成,例如聚酰胺(Polyamide)、聚烯烃(Polyolefins)、聚酯(Polyesters)、和由聚羟基乙酸(Polyglycolic acid)制成的可吸收聚合物等。合成可吸收缝线的降解并非由于酶的作用,而是通过水解(Hydrolysis)过程完成。正是因为这一点,与肠线不同,合成缝线不会引起强烈的炎症反应,仅会引起轻微的组织反应。合成缝线材料的典型代表如下:

  • Vicryl(薇乔,聚乳酸羟基乙酸(Polylactic acid))
  • Dexon(德胜,PGA,聚羟基乙酸)
  • Nylon(尼龙,聚酰胺)
  • Maxon(迈胜,Polyglyconate,聚甘醇碳酸)
  • Monocryl(单乔,聚卡普隆(Poliglecaprone))
  • PDS(Polydioxanone,聚二氧杂环已酮)
  • Prolene(普理灵,聚丙烯(Polypropylene))

Absorbable and Non-absorbable Sutures


Sutures can be absorbable or non-absorbable. The terms 'absorbable' and 'non-absorbable' are self-explanatory. Basically, absorbable sutures are the ones that dissolve or get absorbed into the tissue. The time taken for such sutures to get absorbed will depend on the type of material, size of the suture, condition and the location of the injured tissue, and the overall health of the patient. The examples of absorbable sutures include:


  • 普通或铬制肠线(Plain/Chromic catgut)
  • 薇乔(Vicryl)
  • 单乔(Monocryl)
  • 普迪思(PDS)



  • 聚丙烯(Prolene)
  • 尼龙(Nylon)
  • 不锈钢(Stainless steel)
  • 蚕丝(Silk)
  • 聚酯(Dacron)


Monofilament and Multifilament Sutures


Monofilament sutures are single strand sutures, whereas multifilament sutures are braided sutures that are made up of several strands. Though a monofilament suture requires more knots, tying knots is easier and there's less likelihood of trauma to the tissues. It resists the growth of pathogens due to its structure. Its examples include:


  • Prolene
  • Maxon
  • Monocryl
  • PDS
  • Hexafluoropropylene(六氟丙烯)
  • Nylon (兼有单丝和多丝)


  • Vicryl (编织薇乔)
  • Devon
  • 铬制肠线 (搓捻)
  • Polymerized caprolactam(己内酰胺)
  • Silk (编织丝线)

总之,正确选择缝线对于伤口愈合非常重要。除了使用合适的尺寸和选择正确的材料外,使用正确的器械(如针和持针器)和应用正确的缝合技巧对于减少张力和疤痕也很重要。缝合伤口使用的缝合方法包括单纯间断缝合(Simple interrupted suture)、单纯连续缝合(Simple continuous suture)、垂直褥式缝合(Vertical mattress)、水平褥式缝合(Horizontal mattress)、皮下缝合(Subcutaneous)、表皮下缝合(Subcuticular)等。为了确保愈合顺利,须确保伤口血供正常。如果缝线脱开或伤口裂开,如果伤口周围有红肿迹象或有血性或脓性分泌物,须第一时间通知主管医生进行处理。






